Our Workspace & Studio Policies

Booking at Miraki Life

Booking studio space is easy and convenient. We kindly ask that bookings be made with sufficient lead time to ensure availability, at least 3 days in advance. Our studio operates on a first-come, first-served basis, and members must book studio space in advance to guarantee availability and seamless planning for their projects or events. Please plan your setup and teardown within your booked time. You may arrive up to 15 minutes early, but make sure to allocate enough time for cleanup and resetting the space afterward.

Our Studio Use

Our photography studio is available for use during specified hours of operation, providing ample opportunity for creative projects. To ensure a comfortable and productive environment for all users and neighbours, we have established guidelines regarding maximum occupancy and acceptable noise levels that comply with local municipal by-laws. Additionally, we ask that all users adhere to our activity and equipment restrictions to maintain the safety and integrity of the studio space.

Membership Commitment

By signing up for a membership at Miraki Life, you agree to a minimum 3-month commitment with monthly billing. This commitment ensures consistency and stability for both our members and our studio operations.

Guest Policy

Members have the option to bring 1 guest for free each month for co-working access, and up to 5 guests at a discounted rate. Members and renters using the space privately can bring up to 15 guests per studio space rental, and up to 30 guests at a time for events. This policy encourages collaboration and community engagement within our creative space.

Cleaning Policy

We take pride in maintaining a clean and tidy studio space for all users to enjoy. As part of our cleaning policy, we ask that all users take responsibility for cleaning up after themselves during and after their studio sessions. This includes disposing of trash properly and leaving the space in a clean and orderly condition for everyone to use. Failure to comply may result in a $100 cleaning fee to cover the additional cleaning required. If there is any damage to the space, we hold the right to submit a damage cost.

Cancellation Policy

Full payment is requires at time of booking. For studio bookings, we understand that plans may change, so we offer studio credit for cancelled or rescheduled bookings as we do not issue refunds. Rescheduling a booking with less than 72 hours’ notice will result in a 20% fee based on your booking value. For cancellations made with less than 24 hours' notice, the booking may be forfeited. If you need to cancel within these timeframes, please email us at hello@mirakilifeworkspace.com. Please note that no-show appointments will not receive any studio credit. This policy ensures fairness and flexibility for all user while maintaining the integrity of our booking system.

For events booked with us, we require full payment at time of booking. A processing fee of 2% will be included on each invoice. Cancellation and rescheduling policies are the same as regular studio bookings.

For Membership packages, we understand you may need to reassess your membership commitment. After the initial three-month period, you will have the option to cancel your membership. Alternatively, you may pause your membership at anytime for up to 2 months within 1 year of your contract start date. If you find that your current membership package no longer aligns with your needs, you may also consider downgrading your membership package.

Code of Conduct

Our space is a collaborative and respectful environment where all guests are expected to adhere to our code of conduct. This includes treating others respectfully, communicating effectively, and cooperating with staff and fellow guests. We want to ensure a positive and productive experience for everyone in our space. We reserve the right to terminate any memberships or request that guests in the space leave if they do not adhere to our code of conduct.

  1. Respect Others: Treat fellow guests and staff members with kindness, respect, and professionalism. Harassment, discrimination, or any form of disrespectful behaviour will not be tolerated.

  1. Communication: Communicate openly and respectfully with others. Be considerate of differing perspectives and opinions, and strive to resolve conflicts or disagreements constructively.

  2. Safety: Prioritize safety at all times, and ensure that risky or dangerous behaviour is not conducted.

  3. Privacy: Respect the privacy and personal space of others. Obtain consent before photographing or recording individuals, and refrain from sharing or distributing personal information without permission.

  4. Professionalism: Conduct yourself in a professional manner at all times.

  5. Cleanliness: Help maintain a clean and organized studio space by cleaning up after yourself and respecting shared equipment and facilities. Dispose of trash properly and leave the space in a tidy condition for the next user.

  6. Responsible Use of Resources: Use studio resources, including equipment and supplies, responsibly and ethically. Avoid wasteful practices and take care to minimize environmental impact whenever possible.

  7. Intellectual Property: Respect copyright and intellectual property rights. Obtain necessary permissions and licenses for the use of copyrighted materials, and attribute credit appropriately when using others' work.

  8. Noise levels: You are expected to maintain noise levels at a considerate level, being mindful of neighbouring residents, other tenants, and the overall community. We ask that you refrain from activities such as, but not limited to, blasting music, using professional music equipment, hosting live events, or concerts that may disrupt the peace and tranquility of the surrounding area. By adhering to these guidelines, we contribute to a harmonious relationship with our community and uphold the integrity of our shared creative space.

Liability and Insurance

While we strive to provide a safe environment, the studio cannot be held liable for any damage or injury incurred by members, renters, or their guests. It is imperative that members have their insurance coverage, including coverage for people, equipment, and related business activities, to mitigate any unforeseen risks effectively.

Additional Policy

In instances where any of the aforementioned policies are violated or if a member behaves inappropriately, we retain the right to terminate their membership, escort them off the premises, and prohibit their access to our space. No refunds will be issued for the current month if payment has already been processed. This policy ensures the maintenance of a secure and respectful environment for all members of our community.